First World War CentennialFirst World War Centennial

Authors Note: Only a dog; a story of the great war


This story of the bravery of a man, the faithfulness of a dog, the kind heart of the British Tommy, and the wanton cruelty of the German "Hun," is quite true, and was given to me by Major Edgar, R. A. M. C. (of Montreal) with his kind permis­sion to elaborate it into its present form.

It all happened near Armen­tières in Flanders, and it is there, that anyone who cares to look may find the big grave with the little one beside it, both marked by the same cross, and on it the legend


Whatever money comes from the sale of this little book will be used for materials to make dress­ings for the wounded soldiers of the Allies, and it is perhaps not too much to hope that little Army's life-story may be the means of easing the suffering of many brave soldiers like "P'te. Rice."

B. W. S.